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Source and Versions

The Source

If you want to follow along with the text you can get a Bible and read Acts chapter 27. Any good translation of the Bible can be used. I generally use the following three versions:

The New International Version (NIV),

The New American Standard Version (NAS)

The King James Version (KJV).

Why read Three Versions?

Answer: If all of us could read original Greek, there would be NO need for multiple versions of the Bible.

I bet you don’t read Greek and I am quite sure that I don’t read Greek.  Since “it’s all Greek to us” and we don’t read that language there are people in this world who try to give us a text we can read.  King James is one example.  This was an attempt to translates the original Greek and put it in the language that more people understood, English, in that case an Old English. Today, much of that old English style is not used or read, with it’s thee, thou and verily. So people have written more modern versions with more current language, like the New American Standard.  Each version uses the original Greek text but puts it in a form that easier for us to read.  Each version uses slightly different words or phrases to describe the same events and words in the text.  Versions are NOT an attempt to change the original txt but rather to make it easier for us to understand what they meant.

If we read multiple versions, when taken together they paint a more exact picture of the original meaning of the story.

Online Bible

If you would like to read the text on-line, I recommend a site called Blue Letter Bible.org (www.blueletterbible.org). I use this site because it gives me immediate access to three different versions of the bible with the click of a button.

Here are the links to these versions:

The New International Version (recommended)



The New American Standard Version.



The King James Version


Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Don Gardner
    September 7, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    I might also suggest the web site Biblegateway.com for reading the bible online. This site offers numerous versions as well as search capabilities to locate passage of scripture based on key words.

    • September 7, 2010 at 9:09 pm

      Biblegateway.com is a good site and it has a very good footnote section. It is at least as good as the Blueletterbible.com that I have used. I really do like the on-line sites because you can changes version so quickly.
      Thanks Don,

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